Thom Wofford, Lauren Parsons
Authorized AMSOIL DealersThom & Lauren AMSOIL Dealers

Thom Wofford,

Owner of TW Synthetics

Crossville, TN | (931) 313-9252

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Oil Bypass Filtration System Explained

All internal combustion engine equiped vehicles and equipment types use oil filters to remove wear particles and contaminants from the engine oil to reduce wear and tear on the lubricated components.

These filters allow the oil to flow freely through the filter and trap particles down to 20 microns in size.  Once the oil passes through the filter it is released back into the oil sump for distrubution throughtout the engine.  The problem is that wear particles smaller than 20 microns remain in the circulated oil and can cause damage to engine components.

Bypass filters, on the other hand only filter a small percentage of the system’s oil at any given time. This is because the filter media is much denser, and provides much improved small-particle removal.

AMSOIL Ea Bypass Filters efficiently remove contaminants (at a 98.7 percent efficiency level) down to 2 microns. When used in conjunction with full-flow filters an AMSOIL Bypass Filter provides superior wear protection against both large and small particles greatly reducing engine component wear over the short and longterm. In addition, filter capacity is increased, and the life of the filters is extended.

For a comprehensive look at how the addition of an AMSOIL ByPass Filtration System can save money by reducing wear and tear on engine components, exending equipment life and reducing overall operating costs, click on the AMSOIL Single Remote Bypass Filter System image below.