Thom Wofford, Lauren Parsons
Authorized AMSOIL DealersThom & Lauren AMSOIL Dealers

Thom Wofford,

Owner of TW Synthetics

Crossville, TN | (931) 313-9252

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For a Free Consultation



Top Five Motor Oil Myths

Over the years as new technology has advance and been applied to motor oil and lubricants in general, certain myths about motor oil have continued to persist to this day.

Click on the image below to learn the facts about why these myths are not...


What Is Volatility

Volatility is the degree to which a lubricant will evaporate when heated during equipment operation.The small lighter molecules heat up and evaporate quicker than the heavier molecules resulting in loss of lubricant volume in the sump over time.

Why Volatility Is Important


Viscosity, the measure of the internal friction of a liquid (resistance to flow) is one of the most important characteristics to consider when determining which fluid is most suitable for an application.

How the the viscosity of a fluid reacts to changes in temperature, pressure or speed...

Have you ever been told by a vehicle/equipment dealer that your warranty will be voided if you use AMSOIL lubricants, or any other lubricant for that matter, that isn’t theirs?

I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time and energy researching products for my vehicles and other...

Motor Oil Formulations Made Easy

Let's start at the beginning.
Every bottle of oil regardless of brand starts with the base oil which makes up the largest portion of of the volume of the oil in that bottle. Once the base oil has been determined the manufacturer will introduce various chemical...